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24 August 2015
Even though summer’s still in full swing, back to school is right around the corner, which means summer is closely coming to an end. Beat the end-of-summer blues with these activities that will ensure you and your pet enjoy these last summer days to their fullest!
Go Camping
Nature, lakes, the great outdoors. Your dog will be in heaven at one of these pet friendly campgrounds. Many offer off-leash areas as well as dog friendly activities, such as hiking and doggy-beach play dates.
Get A Doggy Pool
This is a great way to keep your pup cool and have a ton of fun at the same time. Buy an inexpensive kiddie pool and turn it into a water wonderland for your pup to paddle and play in. Add some plastic chew toys to increase the fun.
Go for a Drive
Most dogs love sticking their head out of the window and feeling the breeze on their face. On a sunny day, take your pup for a car ride to a new dog park you haven’t checked out yet. Your dog will be overjoyed for both the ride and the destination, and he’ll be content and sleepy on the ride home.
Make Homemade Frozen Dog Treats
Try one of these easy recipes for pup-sicles. They’re cool, nutritious AND delicious!
Host a Backyard Bark-B-Q Party
Invite some of your favourite humans and dogs over to enjoy a backyard feast. Each guest can bring their favourite dish while enjoying play time and yummy food. It’s a win-win!
Teach Your Dog To Become Your Running Partner
Running is a great way to bond with your dog and it will motivate you to stay active and healthy. Read up on these tips on how to teach Fido to run with you and hit the trails on a breezy summer evening.
One of these activities will guarantee your dog is having the best summer yet. What summer activity does your pup enjoy the most?