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26 February 2021
Sterilizing your pet is an important responsibility as a pet owner. Overpopulation of cats is a prevalent and devastating problem across North America. Because cats have such a short gestation period and the ability to produce many kittens in a single litter, their populations grow exponentially in a very short period of time. If one intact female cat gives birth to a litter of four kittens and those kittens reproduce, we end up with 67 cats over the course of two years. If those kittens reproduce, one year after we end up 376 cats. If we take this a step further and calculate the reproduction potential after 5 years, we can have as many as 11,000 kittens! With these alarming statistics, it is easy to understand how rescue centers end up with so many abandoned or feral cats to look after. TNR efforts are starting to become more and more common, where organizations Trap, Neuter and Release feral cats to help control overpopulation. Every year, millions of cats, including kittens, are euthanized. The good news is that responsible pet owners can make a difference. By having your cat sterilized, you will do your part to prevent the accidental birth of more kittens.
Many pet stores across Canada have taken the initiative to help alleviate some of the overcrowding in rescue centers and are putting rescue cats up for adoption. In most cases, these cats are already sterilized before finding their forever homes. While it is often recommended to only sterilize your pet once they have reached their predicted adult weight, rescue centers, however, do not have a choice and need to neuter or spay at a young age to help put an end to the reproductive cycle and overpopulation.
Sterilization of your pet has health benefits as well. Reproduction of a cat that is too young can be associated with physical risks such as kittens getting stuck in the birth canal. Gestation also demands a significant amount of energy. If the cat’s higher energy needs are not met, a pregnant female is at risk for malnutrition.
Sterilization of cats also reduces the risk of hormone related cancers. A hysterectomy completely eliminates the possibility of pyometra, a fatal uterine infection, as well as both uterine and ovarian cancer in female cats. Spaying females before their first heat also eliminates the risk of mammary cancer. Neutering of male cats eliminates the risk of testicular cancer.
Most vets recommend sterilizing your cat when they are between 6 and 8 months old. Hormones play a role in growth and development of kittens, and sterilization will alter these hormones. To help prevent overpopulation, it is strongly recommended to keep your cat indoors until they are sterilized.
Pet owners have reported a decrease in hyperactivity after sterilization. Male cats who are neutered are also less likely to demonstrate behavioral issues such as aggression, roaming and urine spraying.
The short answer is not really. Weight gain occurs when there is an energy imbalance; the animal is taking in more energy than it is expending. The age at which cats are neutered typically corresponds with the natural decrease in growth and energy requirements. Caloric intake should decrease after sterilization. If pet owners continue to feed the same amount, their pet will gain weight. Because dogs and cats are often spayed or neutered just before maturity, the change in reproductive status is often blamed for weight gain, when the reason is usually a change in energy requirements due to age. Regardless, there is a hormonal component that will affect food intake. Sterilized females tend to consume more, as they do not experience estrus, during which the animal will naturally consume less. The metabolism of sterilized animals also tends to slow. This lower metabolic rate along with overconsumption will lead to an energy surplus and weight gain.
It has previously been hypothesized that early spaying or neutering could result in a smaller urethra size leading to a higher risk of blockages, however, there are no statistically significant studies to support this hypothesis.
Studies demonstrate that both cats and dogs who are sterilized have an overall longer lifespan.
Please consider doing your part in preventing overpopulation by neutering your kitten.
18 February 2021
18 February 2021
10 April 2017