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4 April 2016
So you read our previous blog about taking the perfect pet photo and decided that “pet photographer” is not in your skill set. It’s time to call in the pros!
Professional pet photography is an industry that seems to keep growing thanks to social media and the quest to take the perfect photo.
Here are some “yay” and “nays” when it comes to professional pet photos:
YAY! Unique experience
We can’t argue that it’s a bit exciting seeing your pet as the star in front of the camera. You get to be on set, perhaps help out, and work with a pro!
NAY! Things can get expensive pretty quickly
Depending on the photographer and whether photos are taken in a studio or at your home, cost can add up to well above $200 pretty quickly for a 2-hour shoot.
YAY! The photos speak for themselves
It will be very apparent that you went above and beyond the normal iPhone photo when you see the final product. The lighting, the background, the colours, your pet’s best features captured to perfection….a picture is worth a thousand words and these photos are brag-worthy and something you will have forever.
NAY! A 2-hour photo shoot is a long time for your subject
You are paying for time and skill, but 2 hours may be a long time for your pet to be in the spotlight. Just like kids, pets can get a bit irritable if they are in a new setting and being told to “smile for the camera” over and over again. Bring lots of treats!
YAY! Photos to put up EVERYWHERE!
We’re talking social media, in frames, as Christmas cards, made into coasters, printed on t-shirts…okay…maybe we went a bit overboard, but these photos will be yours to do whatever you want with!
Have you had professional photos taken of your Nutrience pet? We would love to hear your experience. We want to see them so tag your photos with #NutriencePet on social media!