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4 April 2016
If you open your cell phone’s camera roll is it filled with hundreds of photos of your dog or cat? How many of these are actually decent pet photos and not furry blurs?
Here are 4 tips on how to take the perfect pet photo every time:
This one may not come as a surprise, but getting your dog (or cat if they are cooperative) to sit pretty with basic commands really helps cut down on the blur factor of trying to capture a moving model. Time is the essence…so get your finger ready to snap quickly!
An interesting backdrop really ads character and will take your photos to the next level. The great thing about spending time outside in nature is the beautiful colours, backgrounds and lighting. No Instagram filter needed!
Your pet will participate without too much complaining if treats are involved. Have some handy during your photo shoot and give them as rewards for your cover girl or guy for being so patient.
You and your pet have a special bond and knowing their patterns and personality will help you identify picture perfect moments. Perhaps your pup is happiest at the dog park, or at home cuddling on the couch, wherever their “happy place” is snap photos of them there. The photos will be genuine and you will capture their best side.
There you have it. Make sure to thank us when your pet’s photos are getting so many “likes” they can quit their day job and join the modeling world. Why not submit your pet’s best photo for Nutrience Pet of the Week – http://bit.ly/PetOfWeek2016