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This calculator is to be used for estimations only.

Every pet is unique on the amount of food needed.

Pet's Name *

Ideal weight *

Dog's age (in months) *

Dog food formulation *

*In order to support lean body mass in overweight pets, feed your pet according to their TARGET bodyweight, not their current bodyweight. Combine with exercise (energetic play) to burn calories and reduce excess weight.

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Top 10 Places to Camp With Your Dog in Canada


15 October 2021



Do you love camping with your dog as much as we do? It’s so nice to get to spend a long period of time completely immersed in nature. The atmosphere can be incredibly calming and peaceful. What makes camping even better is being able to take your best buddy with you. We’ve compiled a list below of the top 10 places to camp with your dog in Canada. The only thing to do now is try to remember where you put that tent last summer!


Located in Nobel, Ontario, Killbear offers excellent sailing conditions and 6 km of hiking trails. Find the off leash dog beach located near the group camping area. More Info.


Located in Huntsville, Ontario, Arrowhead includes 15 km of hiking and quiet motorboat-free lakes. Find the dog beach nearest to the north Lumby Campground. More info.


Located in Killarney, Ontario, this campground is an iconic 645 square kilometre wilderness landscape, made famous by The Group of Seven. More info.

Blanket Creek

 Located 25 km south of Revelstoke in B.C., Blanket Creek is particularly family-friendly. Campers can enjoy the warm man-made swimming lagoon, adventure playground and easy access to scenic Sutherland Falls. Find the off leash dog beach on the reservoir. More info.

Mabel Lake Provincial Park

 Located 60 km from Vernon, B.C., Mabel Lake is nestled in a quiet, beautiful mountain setting. Find the dog beach between the boat launch and swimming area. More info.

Golden Ears Provincial Park

Located 11 km north of Maple Ridge, B.C., Golden Ears is one of the largest parks in the province extensive hiking and recreational opportunities. Find two dog beaches – at the North Bay day-use area and the Alouette day-use area. More info.

Forillon National Park

 Located in Gaspé, Québec, Forillon National Park sits on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, on the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The park is pet friendly, though dogs must be kept on a leash at all times. More info.

Forillon National Park

Cape Breton Highlands National Park

Located on the Cabot Trail in Nova Scotia, this park offers breathtaking views of the Eastern Canada coastline. Pets must be kept on a leash. More info.

Fundy National Park

Located in New Brunswick, Fundy National Park offers many camping options for the whole family. The Bay of Fundy is home to the world’s highest tides – an amazing sight to see. Pets must be kept on a leash. More info.

Gros Morne National Park

Located in Norris Point, Newfoundland, Gros Morne National Park offers views so incredible and ancient, it’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site. More info.

Do you have a favourite place to camp with your pup? Tell us about it below!


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